2020年1月9日 星期四

UTAH trip (2) 猶他州之旅(二)

29th I got car sick (that was the first time in my life) on the way to Las Vegas so I did not see how is the hotel looked like where we stayed, as soon as we reached to our room I went to bed immediately. 30th I got up before 6:00am. I went to the hotel's restaurant to have my free breakfast as our hotel has no casino so after breakfast I went out for a walk by myself. Finally I came to a casino in the hotel names " Wynn "

29日在到賭城之前我竟患了前所未有的"暈車浪",因此入住那間酒店是甚麽模樣我也沒有留意,入到房間即去搵周公。次天6點前起床便單獨到酒店餐廳吃免費早餐。入住的酒店不設賭埸,早餐後我到酒店門外散步,行行重行行,不久便來到酒店 "Wynn" 的賭場。

