The 1st day of 2020 morning I cooked PANCAKE for the families. After having breakfast we were so excited to see 7 DEERS came to the front yard for their breakfast. That morning my daughter as well as her mother-in-law and sister-in-law to go for a walk with me. About 4:00pm the weather suddenly changed from white cloud to black cloud. It snowed about 8:00pm.
2020的第一天早餐我煎蛋香餅供眾。我們剛吃飽早餐即見前園有七隻鹿來吃牠們的早餐。那天早上我女兒以及她的奶奶及姑仔與我一起去散步。下午約四點天色突變,黑雲湧現。傍晚八點左右下雪啦 !
