30th we checked out the hotel @ 11:00am to go for lunch in a Chinese restaurant with my son-in-law's sister whole family. Then we drove to ZION in UTAH. On the half way we went to Walmart to buy some food for the days we need in the holiday house. While we drove up to the mountain it was dark already and the road has no light. When we reached to the house it was 8:30pm . UTAH is one hour faster than L.A.
我們在30日上午11點離開酒店,先到新光酒樓與女婿妹妹一家吃午膳。之後我們便駛車向目的地 - 猶他州六千呎的高山公園 ZION 進發。我們在中途先到 Walmart 超市購備食物。在開車上山途中天色已黑,馬路彎曲又狹窄且沒有路燈,女婿唯有小心慢駛,真是一步一驚心呀!!! 抵逹目的地已是8:30pm(猶他州比加州快1小時)。屋前鋪滿雪,汽車開不進車房,女婿和女兒立即落車合力鏟雪。
