2021年4月22日 星期四

21. April 2021 遊逛 T.O. 出租農埸 :


          ***  最後那棵是泰國青檸樹,花香四溢。

6 則留言:

  1. Good Morning wei-wei :)
    I presume that you must have enjoyed your visit to the "出租農場", awesome flowers! Thank you for sharing. 👍
    I have not heard of "出租農場" ! Would you mind to tell me the story of it? Thank you in advance for your kind attention and sorry for all the trouble caused!

    I am aware of the term "Monarch Waystation", are they connected? I am just out of my curiorsity!

    1. I find out this on internet - https://www.facebook.com/lasflorescommunitygarden/

    2. 明白了, 謝謝你的資訊 🙏 周末愉怏!
      The community garden concepts are wonderful. I then spend time watching some youtube videos :
      Wasatch Community Gardens https://youtu.be/UBc58gv6jhI
      St. Petersburg, FL Community Garden https://youtu.be/Yr40mqBAoe8
      My Community Garden Plot https://youtu.be/maWm7AbOfD8
      Starting the 2021 Garden! https://youtu.be/2j2vxqp_RKw

    3. Judith. Happy Saturday. I will watch the above four videos. Thanks.
