Routt County Office of Emergency Management :
If you live anywhere near the fires that are decimating Colorado please be aware that wild animals are fleeing the fires and they may show up in your yards. We urge you to bring your domestic animals in at night and let the wild ones pass through. Please put out buckets of water for them - they are scared, exhausted, and have also lost their homes - they need to refuel.
California firefighters! Not all heroes wear capes. Pray for California and the fires they are facing.
刪除這場山火燒得令人心痛, 真慘。
回覆刪除今年真係多災多難, 國內外的水災也很嚴重, 疫情又在各地漫延, 世界又好似唔太平, 真的令人不安!
盼望美好的日子早日降臨,順祝 May May 身心安康。
回覆刪除Stella 有心,我也祝你身心康泰。
刪除年年燒一燒, 聽天尤命, 睇下今年燒邊一邊, 燕梳買重的, 無計!